Hebrew Bible

Cheryl B. Anderson (Professor of Old Testament, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary)

Libby Backfish (Associate Professor, School of Theology and Leadership, William Jessup University)

Joyce G. Baldwin †

Margaret Barker

Penelope Barter  (Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Biblical Hebrew, Tilburg University)

Lissa Wray Beal  (Professor of Old Testament, Wycliffe College)

Adele Berlin  (Emeritus Robert H. Smith Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Maryland)

Nancy R. Bowen  (Emeritus Professor of Old Testament, Earlham School of Religion)

Valerie Bridgeman  (Associate Professor of Homiletics and Hebrew Bible, Methodist Theological School in Ohio)

Mette Bundvad (Post-Doc, University of Copenhagen)

L. Juliana M. Claassens  (Professor of Old Testament, Stellenbosch University)

Hélène Dallaire  (Earl S. Kalland Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Denver Seminary)

Ellen Davis  (Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology, Duke Divinity School)

Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford  (Professor Emerita, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University)

Kindalee Pfremmer De Long  (Professor of Religion, Seaver College, Pepperdine University)

Kristin De Troyer (Professor of Biblical Studies and Ecclesiastical History, University of Salzburg)

Katherine J. Dell  (Professor of Old Testament Literature and Theology, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge)

Carol Dempsey (Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Portland)

Havilah Dharamraj  (Head of the Department of Biblical Studies, South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies)

Mary J. Evans (Visiting Lecturer in Old Testament, Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology)

Danna Nolan Fewell (John Fletcher Hurst Professor of Hebrew Bible, Drew University)

LeAnn Snow Flesher  (Professor of Biblical Interpretation, American Baptist Seminary of the West)

Deirdra Fulton (Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Baylor University)

Wil Gafney (Right Rev. Sam B. Hulsey Professor of Hebrew Bible, Brite Divinity School)

Athena Evelyn O. Gorospe  (Professor of Biblical Studies, Asian Theological Seminary)

Jacqueline Grey (Professor of Biblical Studies, Alphacrucis University College)

Jennie Grillo  (Tisch Family Associate Professor, Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity, University of Notre Dame)

Jo Ann Hackett  (Professor Emerita of Middle Eastern Studies and Religious Studies, University of Texas at Austin)

Esther J. Hamori  (Professor of Hebrew Bible, Union Theological Seminary)

Elizabeth R. Hayes  (Affiliate Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary)

Charlotte Hempel (Professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism, University of Birmingham)

Gina Hens-Piazza (Professor of Old Testament Studies, Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University)

Mary Katherine Hom

Denise Dombkowski Hopkins  (Woodrow W. and Mildred B. Miller Professor of Biblical Theology, Wesley Theological Seminary)

JoAnna M. Hoyt  (Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics, Dallas International University)

Carmen Imes  (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University)

Mignon Jacobs  (Associate Provost; Professor of Old Testament, Virginia Union University)

Elaine T. James  (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary)

Sara Japhet (Yehezkei Kaufmann Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Jutta Jokiranta (Professor of Hebrew Bible and Cognate Studies, University of Helsinki)

Alison Joseph (Adjunct Assistant Professor of Bible and its Interpretation, Jewish Theological Seminary of America)

Nyasha Junior (Associate Professor, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto)

Carol Kaminski  (Professor of Old Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)

Melody Knowles (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Virginia Theological Seminary)

Sara M. Koenig (Professor of Biblical Studies, Seattle Pacific University)

Barbara Leung Lai (Research Professor of Old Testament, Tyndale Seminary, Ontario)

Hetty Lallemann (Senior Research Fellow, Spurgeon’s College)

Jacqueline E. Lapsley (Professor of Old Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary)

Lydia Lee 李思琪 (Associate Professor, Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai)

Liv Ingeborg Lied (Professor of the Study of Religion, MF Norweigan School of Theology, Religion and Society)

Vanessa Lovelace (Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Lancaster Theological Seminary)

Carleen R. Mandolfo

Hilary Marlow (Graduate Tutor, Girton College, University of Cambridge)

Dora Rudo Mbuwayesango (George E. and Iris Battle Professor of Old Testament and Languages, Hood Theological Seminary)

Catherine McDowell (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)

Carol L. Meyers (Mary Grace Wilson Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Religion, Duke University)

Cynthia Miller-Naudé (Senior Professor in Hebrew, University of the Free State)

Hindy Najman (Oriel & Laing Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture, Oriel College, University of Oxford)

Madhavi Nevader (Lecturer in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, University of St. Andrews)

Carol A. Newsom (Charles Howard Candler Professor Emerita of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology)

Irene Nowell OSB (Retired Adjunct Professor of Theology, Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary)

Julia M. O’Brien (Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Lancaster Theological Seminary)

Kathleen O’Connor  (William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emerita of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary)

Gail O’Day

Sharon Pace (Professor, Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity, Marquette University)

Carmen Palmer (Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Stetson University)

Donna Petter (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)

Susan M. Pigott (Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Logsdon Seminary)

Anathea Portier-Young (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Duke Divinity School)

Sandra L. Richter  (The Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies, Westmont College)

Kimberly D. Russaw (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary)

Katharine Doob Sakenfeld (Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis Emerita, Princeton Theological Seminary)

Andrea D. Saner (Associate Professor, Eastern Mennonite University)

Tammi J. Schneider (Danforth Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University)

Cynthia Shafer-Elliott (Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Baylor University)

Carolyn J. Sharp (Professor of Homiletics, Yale Divinity School)

Francesca Stavrakopoulou (Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Religion, University of Exeter)

Beth Stovell (Professor of Old Testament, Ambrose University)

Marion Taylor (Professor of Old Testament, Wycliffe College)

Myrto Theocharous (Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Greek Bible College)

Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer (Professor in Old Testament Exegesis, Örebro School of Theology, Sweden)

Nicole Tilford

Phyllis Trible

Patricia K. Tull (A. B. Rhodes Professor Emerita of Old Testament, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary)

Johanna Van Wijk-Bos (Professor of Old Testament Emerita, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary)

Ellen van Wolde (Professor Emeritus of Textual, Historical and Systematic studies of Judaism and Christianity, Radboud Universiteit)

Jacqueline Vayntrub (Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible, Yale Divinity School)

Renita J. Weems

Heather E. Weir (Instructor, Toronto School of Theology, Wycliffe College)

Jo Bailey Wells

Gale A. Yee (Nancy W. King Professor of Biblical Studies Emerita, Episcopal Divinity School)

Julianne Burnett (Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Asbury University)

Aubrey Buster (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College)

Kelly D. Dagley (Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Hope International University)

Maturu Milly Erema (Lecturer of Old Testament and Biblical Languages, Uganda Christian University)

Ingrid Spellnes Faro (Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Scandinavian School of Theology)

Jill Firth (Lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament, Ridley College)

Denise Flanders (Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Taylor University)

Emmylou Grosser (Research Fellow, University of the Free State)

Alison K. Hawanchak (Assistant Professor of Old Testament, South Nazarene University)

Rebecca Idestrom (Professor of Old Testament, Tyndale University)

Jennifer Matheny (Associate Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary)

Meredith Faubel Nyberg (Adjunct Faculty, Bethel University, University of Northwestern, North Park Seminary)

Helen Paynter (Director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence, Bristol Baptist College)

Megan C. Roberts (Professor of Old Testament, Prairie College)

Jillian Ross (Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Liberty University)

Chloe Sun (Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary)

Rahel Wells (Professor of Biblical Studies, Andrews University)

Karen Strand Winslow (Professor Emerita, Azusa Pacific University)

May Young (Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Taylor University)

Monica Melanchthon (Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Pilgrim Theological College, Melbourne)

Emily Colgan (Manukura (Principal), St John’s Theological College/Hoani Tapu te Kaikauwhau i te Rongopai, Auckland)

Anne E. Gardner (Lecturer, Yarra Theological Union, University of Divinity, Melbourne)

Rachelle Gilmour (Bromby Associate Professor of Old Testament, Trinity College Theological School, University of Divinity, Melbourne)

Janina Hiebel (Lecturer in Old Testament and Languages, Yarra Theological Union, University of Divinity, Melbourne)

Diana Lipton (Teaching Fellow, Department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University)

Alice Bach (Archbishop Hallinan Professor Emerita of Religious Studies, Case Western Reserve University)

Athalya Brenner (Professor Emerita of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, University of Amsterdam)

J. Cheryl Exum (Emeritus Professor, University of Sheffield)

Tikva Frymer-Kensky

Esther Fuchs (Professor of Near Eastern Studies and Judaic Studies, University of Arizona)

Susanne Scholz (Professor of Old Testament, Southern Methodist University)

Jennifer Brown Jones (Instructor, Liberty University)

Rebekah Josberger (Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Multnomah University)

Brittany Kim (Adjunct Professor of Old Testament, Northeastern Seminary)

Michelle E. Knight (Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)

Larisa Levicheva (Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Indiana Wesleyan University)

Brittany N. Melton (Associate Professor of Old Testament, Regent College)

Amy Erickson (Lecturer in Theology and Ethics, St. Mark’s National Theological Centre, Canberra)

Carolyn Custis James (Author)

Stephanie Paulsell (Susan Shallcross Swartz Professor of the Practice of Christian Studies, Harvard Divinity School)